Workplace vs. Facebook - what's the difference between these platforms?

Workplace and Facebook are two social media platforms created by Meta. Although the interface, user experience and main functions look and work similarly, they have completely different usage. 

Let's start from the beginning. Who among us does not have a Facebook account? Almost everyone is present on the web, more or less actively. With employers in mind, Meta has created the Workplace platform, which enables two-way communication within organisations. Let us say that Mr Jacek (the CEO of a large production plant) would like to implement it in his company. However, he hears that employees are afraid to use the application because they are worried that their account will be connected to their private Facebook profile. 

Is there anything to be afraid of?

Workplace was created primarily for internal communication within the company. It allows for quick and free exchange of ideas within the company and building the organisational culture in a closed group. It uses the ease and multidimensionality of communication mainly to maximise efficiency in the company's workplace. Facebook, on the other hand, is the largest social network platform, designed for communication with friends and family, combined with an extensive ecosystem of other applications (e.g. Messenger). However, it is worth emphasising that Workplace and Facebook are two completely separate platforms, with separate profiles, login and password for each user, which do not connect with each other in any way.

Registration in Workplace does not require a personal account on Facebook, and the employer does not have access to employees' private profiles and what they post on the platform. Users therefore do not have to worry about the security of their data or private posts. Workplace, while benefiting from all the experience of Facebook and Meta in terms of security, technology and infrastructure, remains a separate platform.

Workplace helps in the daily internal communication of the company. Employees can work together on projects in a convenient way, with materials and comments gathered in one place. This is especially important in the era of remote and hybrid working. All the most important company news and information can easily reach employees who have an active account on the platform. In addition to the pure communication function, Workplace also allows you to build bonds between employees working in different locations. Therefore, nothing stands in the way of sharing a holiday photo, which we are equally happy to add on Facebook.

The materials that are shared on your Workplace account are visible only to the employees of a given company. All data belongs to the organisation and can be added, modified or deleted by it at any time. They cannot be accessed by Facebook or by another organisation's Workplace system. What we "upload" to a private profile on Facebook will only be visible to those we allow access to, according to the privacy settings on the platform.

In summary, Workplace and Facebook are two completely different tools. They are separate and fully secure for users. Content published by employees on the company profile and conversations on WorkChat remain as safe as our private conversations on Messenger or posts on Facebook. The devil’s not so black as he is painted :)